Selma Gienger

Born on April 18, 1960 in Pforzheim.

HP homeopath since 1994. Publisher, author, 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

I trained as a homeopath at the Academy for Classical Homeopathy in Munich-Gauting. Numerous seminars and training courses followed over many years, with many homeopaths around the world, such as: B. Georgos Vithoulkas/Greece, Rajan Sankaran/India, Philip Bailey/Australia, Henny Heudens-Mast/Belgium, Jayesh Shay/India, Nandita Shah/India and many others

However, one of my most important teachers was my great-great-grandfather, Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Jaeger, who scientifically demonstrated the effectiveness of homeopathy at the University of Hohenheim in 1879 using highly diluted fragrances. He not only allowed me to look deeply into the secrets of how homeopathy works, but also opened up to me the world of fragrances, especially people's own scent.

The word love is a real nightmare and I have often asked myself what exactly triggered my story. The only thing that comes to mind was my question "What exactly is love?", which I asked after my divorce - I think it was in 1996. I didn't just want to find the answer, I was determined to find it. Yes, I think this question threw the small stone into the water. I never thought that I would cause such waves.

Through the so-called “coincidences”, which then lined up one after the other, I ended up with fragrances, or rather, the human scent and with my great-great-grandfather. I only knew him as a zoologist and I didn't know anything about him. My father did genealogy research and I remember that I was very uninterested in the ancestors and I listened to my father's explanations such as: B. "This is the sister of my great-grandfather on my mother's side and his great-great-great-aunt, her name was Frida..." immediately chased me out of the room. It was the same with Gustav. Until the day a physical therapist asked me during a kinesiology exam if I had any old books at home... and later told me that my great-great-grandfather wanted to tell me something. - Honestly, I held them for completely crazy! - But I was already in the middle of it and there was no escape. My world view was crumbling piece by piece... and it actually took me more than 20 years to find the answer to my question!

But I can now give you the answer in one sentence: Love is your own scent and this is the rotation of the axis of DNA! - The word soul is also included, because it comes from Sanskrit and is called shuschma = fragrance of the ego. Without scent there is neither love nor a soul! If the DNA were changed, the axis rotation of the DNA would also change and the scent would be deleted and with it the individual personality, the essence.

In his main work, THE DISCOVERY OF THE SOUL, Jaeger calls it a life story and he writes that it is not limited by the skin. By life-saying he meant DNA. It wasn't that long ago that DNA was first detected in the air after a person entered and left a room. By the way, a fresh, washed corpse is absolutely odorless. DNA stands still. This solves the mystery of love. Everything else is the result of this... Love is this and love is that... a molecular scent dance between two individuals, destructible by another scent... There is a lot more to say about it, but you can do it all hear in my Zoom workshop on the production of anthropins.

My hobbies are photography, making films, writing, calligraphy, painting, designing postcards, cooking, sewing and working with felt and vegetable-tanned leather....

You can find my creative side HERE - -

Your Selma

Schützingen, on August 18, 2023

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